Rhode Island Dermatology & Cosmetics Center Latest News

NEW: iPad-based Records Management
RI Dermatology is excited to be using our new, state of the art electronic medical records (EMR) system called EMA Dermatology. EMA is the newest cloud-based iPad software, designed by dermatologists for dermatologists. EMA allows our providers to produce notes, ePrescribe, order labs and print pathology requirements, right in the room! We can receive real time consults in the office on the day of your visit. This means less time waiting, and more time face to face with the doctor, two things we love.

Pharos EX-308 Excimer Laser
RI Dermatology has the latest in technology for psoriasis treatment: the Pharos EX-308 Excimer laser. Patients may need fewer treatments than with traditional phototherapy, and some patients may enjoy several months of treatment-free remission. The excimer laser is covered by most insurances. More about the Excimer (leave site) →
Full Range of Services
RI Dermatology and Cosmetic center is committed to providing advanced aesthetic enhancements and Anti-Aging Medical treatments through MD developed, and supervised services.
Our Staff is highly skilled and trained to perform with the most modern technology. Reduce wrinkles, reduce sun damage, reduce spider veins, tighten skin, remove unwanted hair, and more!
Convenient Location
Get driving directions and make an appointment now.